About me
I founded A3 Security Consulting, the first security consulting company in South Korea, in 1999. I was also a member and the last leader of KUS (KAIST UNIX Society), the legendary hacking group in South Korea (KUS is regarded as a former group of KAIST GoN).
I am a professor at the School of Cybersecurity, Korea University. (Very proudly, I am listed in the Stanford/Elsevier's world top 2% scientist, 2024). At Korea University, I'm a director of HCRL, a well-known automotive security dataset contributor. My research is focused on solving many security problems using AI and Machine Learning in automotive security and online gaming areas. Especially, the dataset for machine learning based IDPS for in-vehicle networks is well noticed to the automotive security researchers.
As a serial entrepreneur, I am a co-founder of AI Spera, which provides Criminal IP service (cyber threat intelligence search engine) globally. Before joining Korea University, I was a technical director (TD) and the head of the information security department of NCSOFT (2004-2010).
Here are several keywords that describe me well at each age.
1st age (before 1999): "a whitehat hacker in Korea", system administrator, UNIX expert, Daejeon Science High School, KAIST, KAIST UNIX Society (KUS), System Programmers’ Association for Researching Computer Systems (SPARCS)
2nd age (1999 - 2004): "CEO of the first security consulting company in Korea", founder, CEO, CTO, A3 Security Consulting, penetration test, A3-TechLab, A3-CC, A3-AutoScan, A3-AutoSecure, A3-AutoWatch
3rd age (2004 - 2010): "Head of Information Security Department of NCSOFT", Technical Director (TD), online game security, global security operation, security operation for all JV and subsidiary offices (including NC-Austin, NC-Japan, NC-Taiwan, NC-True, NC-RC, NC-Sina)
4th age (2010 - 2017): "The first hacker turned professor from hacking scene and industry", Korea University, School of Cybersecurity, Hacking and Countermeasure Research Lab (HCRL), one of the top researchers in "online game" and "automotive security" field.
5th age (2017 - present): a serial entrepreneur, co-founder of AI Spera, Criminal IP, cyber threat intelligence, professor
Hacking and Countermeasure Research Lab. (HCRL)
It is my privilege to advise talented master’s and PhD students, who are now working as CISOs or CEOs in promising companies, or as professors at reputed universities.
Byung Tak Kang, CEO of AI Spera
Kyung Ho Park, CEO of Closer Labs
Chang Oh Kim, Ph.D, CISO of Yanolja
Hyung Seok Kim, Ph.D, CISO of Myrealtrip, Korea
Kyoung Ho Kim, Ph.D, CISO of S-Oil, Korea
Ah Reum Kang, Ph.D, Prof. of Pai Chai University, Korea
Byung Il Kwack, Ph.D, Prof. of Hallym University, Korea
Hyun Min Song, Ph.D, Prof. of Dankook University, Korea
Kyounggon Kim, Ph.D, Prof. of NAUSS, Saudi Arabia
Mee Lan Han, Ph.D, Prof. of Korea University, Korea
Sanghoon Jeon, Ph.D, Prof. of Kookmin University, Korea
Seonghoon Jeong, Ph.D, Prof. of Sookmyung Women's University, Korea
and last but not least...
My academic sibling, Prof. Jiyoung Woo, was a research professor at the School of Cybersecurity at Korea University. During that time, she was a co-advisor for many students at HCRL.
Jiyoung Woo, Ph.D, Prof. of Soonchunhyang University, Korea
Bio & CV
CTI service
Recent Talks (video clips available at Youtube)
- 사이버보안 AI 데이터셋 구축 사업성과 공유회 기조연설 (2022.08)
- 인공지능을 활용한 사이버위협 모니터링 기술 [AIS 2021]
- 게임 내 악성행위분석 및 사설서버탐지 [NDC 2021]
- EIRIC [파워iN터뷰] 김휘강 교수 (고려대학교 정보보호대학원), 2021
- AI를 활용한 악성코드 탐지 - 고려대 김휘강 교수 [REAL2019 - 클라우드&보안]
- Fraud Detection - online game 과 결제를 중심으로 (2019, 네이버테크톡)
- 제7회 국민생활과학기술포럼, 2018
- 데이터분석 기반 게임봇과 작업장 탐지 [NDC 2017]
- 온라인게임보안, Discover KU 2013